Belinda Song

Belinda Song, singer-songwriter, film/music producer and published author, is a Polydor signed recording artist now releasing music internationally through Epic Sonic Music. She is represented by BMI and has a music catalog of over two hundred compositions. Belinda has also starred in several films and is the Founder of Belaire Private Capital, Brand Ambassador for GLOW Beverages (partners w/ Kylie Jenner and QB Dak Prescott, Dallas Cowboys,) and Music Ambassador for CADILLAC Blackwing Race Team

Seeking Mr. X - The Book

While "Seeking Mr. X" the movie is rated G, the book version is rated PG and is much more intense.  Here is a taste of what is to come.

Excerpt from Seeking Mr. X - the book:

" ...... Brittany couldn’t sleep. This is torture, she thinks to herself and wishes it was sunrise. She turns to her side and stares into the powder blue curtains draping the windows on the far side of his bedroom. She tries her impossible to fall asleep but wakes from short drifts.  Consumed by darkness in the unfamiliar surroundings of his home, she feels his warm body lying next to hers and is relieved to learn that he does not snore.  Tempted to move closer to him, she stirs and seeks comfort.  As seconds unfold deeper into their first night together, she finds it impossible to fight against the urge of turning around to touch him,  she ........ "

Stay tuned :-)

Author of "Seeking Mr. X" the Book
From Miami With Love,