Belinda Song

Belinda Song, singer-songwriter, film/music producer and published author, is a Polydor signed recording artist now releasing music internationally through Epic Sonic Music. She is represented by BMI and has a music catalog of over two hundred compositions. Belinda has also starred in several films and is the Founder of Belaire Private Capital, Brand Ambassador for GLOW Beverages (partners w/ Kylie Jenner and QB Dak Prescott, Dallas Cowboys,) and Music Ambassador for CADILLAC Blackwing Race Team

Version X42: Secrets - available at Barnes & Noble and

Finally! Ecstatic to announce that Version X42: Secrets, Book One of Trilogy
is available at Barnes & Noble and 

Click here for Belinda's Author Page on Amazon

[ Click here for REVIEWS on Version X42: Secrets ]

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Naturally, a short read will not deliver the exhilaration of 'glider chases', 'molecular blasts', 'atomic splicers' and the heated scenes of Zahim and Nicola's intense moments, nor will it portray the physical and emotional bonding of Chloe and Torren. But, it will give you a feel of what Planet X and Gamers are like in this dimension. 

The ending of 'Secrets' is of course, the introduction to 'The Evolution', where the evil Yursella returns through the back door and is determined to destroy all parallel laterals. Not even her ex-counterbeing can stop her. In fact, she detests him so much that she decides to terminate him first.

Hope you'll enjoy the sample chapters and decide to own a copy of Version X42.

Again, thank you for all your love and support, and I truly appreciate your taking the time to share my pride.  Your feedback is very important to me, so please don't be shy to share your thoughts by posting your comments at the bottom of this post.

From Miami With Love,
Belinda Elkaim.

Seeking Mr. X - The Book

While "Seeking Mr. X" the movie is rated G, the book version is rated PG and is much more intense.  Here is a taste of what is to come.

Excerpt from Seeking Mr. X - the book:

" ...... Brittany couldn’t sleep. This is torture, she thinks to herself and wishes it was sunrise. She turns to her side and stares into the powder blue curtains draping the windows on the far side of his bedroom. She tries her impossible to fall asleep but wakes from short drifts.  Consumed by darkness in the unfamiliar surroundings of his home, she feels his warm body lying next to hers and is relieved to learn that he does not snore.  Tempted to move closer to him, she stirs and seeks comfort.  As seconds unfold deeper into their first night together, she finds it impossible to fight against the urge of turning around to touch him,  she ........ "

Stay tuned :-)

Author of "Seeking Mr. X" the Book
From Miami With Love,

"Seeking Mr X" The Movie - coming soon

Everyone is asking me what the movie "Seeking Mr. X" (the movie) is about, well, here's short synopsis :-)  

"A writer is lost between her real world and a fictional world that she has created, crosses the line and brings her fiction to life by experimenting her book concept "Seeking Mr. X". At the end, she gets more confused and juggles with emotional conflicts as she is forced to choose between a trailing past or a promising future."

Screenplay and produced by Belinda Elkaim. Directed by Gianfranco Remiggi. A Remiggi Productions Film. 

Cast: Belinda Elkaim, **Special thanks to everyone: Jamie Newton, Jose Manreza, Candy Woolley, Paola Zambony, Marcies Elizabeth, Mariana Capuleto. Cameo appearance by Claudia Lopez.

Crew: Gianfranco Remiggi, Victor Centofanti, Veronica Soto, Sandra Bonilla, Catherine. Special thanks to Brandon Cope for original music scores and also to Jane Patrick - casting director.

Thanking Newport Beachside Hotel, Kitchen 305, Segafredo at Lincoln Road, Trio On The Bay, Lofts On The Park, The Bank Nightclub, Rice Asian House & Japanese Restaurant.
Official website and blogsite coming soon..... Stay tuned for movie release date :-)

** (c) Copyright 2012. WGA registered material, all rights reserved. "Seeking Mr. X" is a trademark protected intellectual property.

"Seeking Mr. X" - Movie Poster
Special Appearance - Paola Zambony at Segafredo Lincoln Road
Thank you Claudia Lopez for making a cameo appearance! From left to right: Candy Woolley, Claudia Lopez, Belinda Elkaim, Karolina Ilgaite - at The Bank Lounge Miami downtown

Belinda - Screewriter
Screen Capture

Jose M as Troy - Lofts On The Park
Jamie Newton as Leo - Newport Beachside

With Marcies, Gianfranco, Veronica, Sandra and Victor
With Sandra Bonilla - Makeup Artist

Veronica S - PA and Gianfranco Remiggi - Director / Editor
Victor Centofanti - Sound Technician

Once Upon A Time (in Miami)

'Once Upon A Time (in Miami)' - Series' debut ARTICLE on Al Capone's mansion is coming soon in Mode Lifestyle Magazine's November Issue. Photography by Ignacio Zancada.

Meantime, hope you'll like this new video and will share this link with your friends. Thank you SO much for your love and support! From Miami With Love, Belinda :-) xo

From Once Upon A Time (in Miami),by Belinda Elkaim

Cherish Life

Cherish LIFE and all what it has to offer. To yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Garden Of Secrets [ by Lloyd Goradesky ]

Hope you'll enjoy watching this video as much as we enjoyed producing it. If you like what you see, please help us spread the images by sharing this link with your friends. Truly appreciate your luv and support :-) Belinda, xoxo

[send me a friend request on Facebook if you'd like : Belinda Elkaime]

Belinda Elkaim - Dream Girl

A fantasy forever remains a fantasy, whereas a dream can be turned into reality. I choose to DREAM. Wishing you much will power, wisdom and strength to achieve your dreams.

With love, Belinda. xoxo

Belinda Elkaim - Hello

I am SO ready to let go of 2010 !! It's been an interesting year .. Can't wait for a breath of fresh air :-)

Belinda Elkaim - Belinda's Fantasy by Hector Gomez

My Fantasy - My Passion - My Dream ..... is very, very colorful. I want to share my colors with you and hope you'll reciprocate :-) Belinda, xoxo

Belinda Elkaim - 3 Hours with Howard Austin Feld

To Perpetuity -

Moments, though transitional, CAN last forever, in our minds. Cherish those moments and enjoy every fraction of it. Feel it, Be it, and Live it.

~ Smile, for life is beautiful, if we allow it to be :-)

From my heart to yours.

The Guessing Game was a HUGE success last night, the event was crowded with highly positive guests, everyone was so excited and left with happy smiling faces, and THAT is exactly what marks the success of Epiphany's events. The hard work and long hours of preparation for each event is totally worth its while. Thanking all of you for your support !!!

Special thanks to:
Wyndham Garden Hotel, Boca Raton
Lloyd Goradesky photography
Studio 104
Sean Ace O'Connor of Nussentials
Debbie of Premier Jewelry Designs
Michael of Palm Beach Acting School
VIP Member Services
** and our sponsors who wish to remain unnamed.

And, of course, all our guests who drove from Jupiter, Miami and Fort Lauderdale to join us for this amazing event.

Let's do it again real soon.

With love,
Epiphany Events.


I've always wondered about this word : forever.

How can there be a word for something that literally does not exist ? Forever is abstract and intangible, can't see it, can't feel it, can't measure it; so is it merely a description of depth and intensity ?

While I am still trying to figure out what exactly 'forever' means, I do know one thing, photos, videos and images, can be kept for a much longer time than human lifespan. Eventually everything is perishable, but the moments captured through lenses are capsuled into memories that would last a lifetime plus generations more to come. That, is the exact reason why I created Passion Brand Videos.

For more information on Passion Brand Videos please contact

Belinda Elkaim Got something to say to the world ?

Got something to say to the world ? don't be shy, just say it .... once your moment is gone, it's gone, CARPE DIEM :-)